پنجشنبه، مهر ۲۶، ۱۳۸۶

Politicians Career in Photos, in brief...!

Hi :)
Some days before President Vladimir Putin come to IRAN to have negotiations on Caspian sea and also had a critically important consultations with Iranian authorities (forget it). Do you know something, it was a 67434568......10349'th meeting (and goes on) on Caspian sea right regime.
That's funny, ha...! I just wondered "Is it possible to determine a clear rules on Caspian sea to reserved all reasonable rights for countries bordering". The politics games don't let it takes place. Why? You know better.
I don't think about, it doesn't matter. I trying to find a biography of President Putin, also I found his photo when he was a teenage.

I Continued searching photos for another politicians. Here, you'll find another photos for another Politicians. Just click here. Unfortunately I couldent find any photo for Ahmadinejad, Sorry :(

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